Work remotely
Remote working is becoming a favorite working style of people all over the world, especially with the unpredictable outbreaks of the covid epidemic. Typicall...
An Reservation System in which residents reserve a time to use a service (amenities) such as a fitness center, sauna, pool, etc. An amenity will have a certain capacity so that people can use the amenities safely during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Remote working is becoming a favorite working style of people all over the world, especially with the unpredictable outbreaks of the covid epidemic. Typicall...
After using Anki for 5 months use a little and 3 months aggressively. I do many things to improve my usage of Anki more effectively, let’s go into detail.
As the number of things I want to learn is growing more every day, I always have a question in my mind about how to learn faster (learning here by my definit...
Have you seen that reading a large amount of text can make us feel tired and time-consuming? So when reading a large amount of information I have determined ...
Note-taking apps are growing nowadays because of more and more information on the internet, and we can’t just take paper notes to capture information fast an...
Big O Notation Big O notation is a mathematical notation that describes the limiting behavior of a function when the argument tends towards a particular v...
You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different wa...
Are you tired of taking paper notes, the pen out of ink, lazy to buy many notebooks! Then, come to this blog, and you will find an alternative to taking note...